mad science duo

Unraveling the Universe | Ep 1 | Mad science duo| #simplywaste2022

This video is not about black holes | Tamil | Mad Science Duo

What if we had Two Moons | Tamil | MSD minis

Black Holes Part 2 | Information Paradox | Tamil | Mad Science Duo

The story behind the most mysterious objects in the universe | Black Holes | Tamil | Mad Science Duo

What if a mini black hole appeared on earth? | Tamil | Mad Science Duo

MultiVersus Mad Science duo

The common myth in electrodynamics

Can we Live on Mars? | The Great Debate | Tamil | MSD

How did Elon Musk land the rocket booster??-#VeritasiumContest

How To build a Dyson Sphere | Tamil | MSD

Why does light have momentum? #veritasiumcontest

We Interviewed The Public | Life on Mars Trailer | Tamil | MSD

How does quantum tunneling work ?

What was Nikola Tesla's dream? - #veritasiumcontest

Masked Mad Science - Elephant Toothpaste 10/7

Mad Science Halloween Parties!

Masked Mad Science - 10/21

Masked Mad Science 9/23

Masked Mad Science - Bottle Rocket 11/4

Masked Mad Science 9/9

Masked Mad Science

Masked Mad Science - 11/18 How Strong is a Raw Egg?

Amazing Science Facts Compilation | 250 Subscribers Special | MSD